
No one is interested in ‘Machakos girls’,MP Mule hits back at Kamene

Matungulu MP Stephen Mule has hit back at Machakos Women representative Joyce Kamene Kasimbi for claiming that some Wiper leaders want to destabilize ‘Machakos girls’ leadership.

Speaking in Nguluni, Mule said that he and other lawmakers were not interested in fighting the women leaders in the county. However, he said that they would not keep quiet while things were going wrong in the county.

“The eight of us in Machakos have no interest in fighting the county byt as long as the constituency I’m representing is in Machakos I will speak on behalf of my people. I heard Kasimbi claiming we are ganging up against women leadership in the county, let her be told that we are all leaders and deserve respect,” said Mule.

The lawmaker also trashed claims that he is interested in a bigger position and confirmed that he will defend his seat in 2027.

He also said that the Wiper party should be distanced from the incident that happened last week where Kalama MCA Boniface Maeke was beaten and stripped by Machakos inspectorate officers.

He called for the investigative bodies handling the case to ensure the mastermind of the incident was unraveled and action taken against them while expressing concern about the safety of male leaders in the County.

“Let those behind the attack carry their own cross because we cannot assume these officers were acting on their own,” Mule went on.

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