Mwingi North NG-CDF on the Spot Over Unapproved Expenses, Missing Sofa sets, and 41 Projects worth 49M

The Auditor General has unearthed several anomalies in the Mwingi North National Government- Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) in the financial year 2019/2020.

In a report released by the Auditor General, the Mwingi North NG-CDF management overspent a total of 4,299,431 on various items.
During the year, goods and services had a budget of 5,776,820, yet the actual amount rose to 8,262,002 leading to a variance of 2,485,182, which is a breach of the law.

In compensation for employees, the budgeted amount was 3,656,054, while the actual amount used was 4,150,477, which translated to 494,393 variance. A generator was purchased at the cost of 874,931, yet the budgeted amount was 400,000, making the Auditor General question the 474,931 variance. During the construction of the fund office building, a total of 13,901,796 was used, yet the amount budgeted was 13,056,871, a difference of 844,925 from the budget.

The management was also put on the spot over missing office furniture and other assets.

“Review of records and physical verification of the assets revealed that assorted items valued at 215,900 comprising of; two executive visitors chairs costing 79,000, a mahogany coat hanger costing 17,500, two mahogany office desks costing 79,600, and one waiting lobby link chair costing Ksh. 39,800 were delivered to the member of parliament’s constituency office instead of the NG-CDF offices,” the auditor general noted.

“A five-seater lounge leather sofa set worth 235,000 could not be accounted for; thus, the value of money on the expenditure of furniture items valued at.450,900 could not be confirmed.” The report went on.

Out of the 69 projects allocated 127,620,370 for implementation in the Financial year, only 16 projects worth 14,500,000 were completed during the year. There were 12 projects worth 63,976,945, which were ongoing, while 41 projects worth 49,143,325 were yet to begin.

“In the circumstances, I am unable to confirm whether the public will obtain value for money for the delayed projects during the year ended 30th June 2020,” the auditor general stated.

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