Mwingi: Man’s body discovered after drowning in Masyungwa River

The body of a man identified as Sammy was discovered by children on a farm near the Masyungwa River in Tseikuru ward in Mwingi North Constituency Wednesday.

The man who locals say was working at Kathuri Market in Tseikuru Ward was reportedly swept away by the flooded Masyungwa River on Monday.

According to reports from the locals, the residents of Masyungwa location in Tseikuru ward, Kitui County rushed to Masyungwa river in search of the body of the man only to be found approximately 10 kilometers from where he was swept away by the raging floods from heavy rainfall experienced in the area.

“The residents of Kathuri showed a lot of dedication in searching to retrieve the body who was swept by floods. He is locally known as Sammy wa Mang’oi because he originally comes from Nzeluni in Mwingi West Constituency,” one of the locals said.

The residents of Kathuri searched for the body on Monday until late evening and later postponed the search to Tuesday morning but it was delayed due to heavy downpours the previous night which increased the volume of water in the river.

The body was later found around the Kwa Kavuvu area downstream by children who alerted the locals who were already searching for the man.

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