
MP Aspirant vows to restore Kangundo’s lost Glory if elected

Kangundo MP Aspirant Nathaniel Senga has promised to bring back coffee farming in the area and ensure Kangundo-Mwala road is constructed if he is elected.

Speaking at Muisuni Coffee Factory where he had met several members of the public Nathaniel Senga an MP Aspirant in Kangundo said that Kangundo glory was long lost and it was high time it was recovered.

Senga noted that the education status of Kangundo was wanting as well as the agricultural sector and it was the high time to revive the Education and Agricultural sectors in the sub-county.

“Makueni people used to say that coffee is in Kangundo and we were the leaders in education matters. Now, neither of them is being witnessed in kangundo. We were second last in last year’s exams. It is high time now we converged as leaders to determine what is ailing our constituency and where went wrong so that we can rectify,” said Senga.

Senga also noted that because of a lack of unity amongst the people of Kangundo many projects that were to benefit the people of Kangundo were hijacked and taken to other sub-counties noting that Kangundo-Mwala road should have already been completed but the funds were hijacked and taken to other constituencies to do developments.

“Kangundo-Mwala road was hijacked and taken to other constituencies because we lacked leaders who can lobby for our projects. I will ensure this road is finished when elected as the Kangundo MP,” he said.

Senga who is running on New Democrats ticket is seeking to unseat the incumbent Fabian Kyule Muli as well as battling it with Athanus Mutinda of ODM, Kyengo Katatha of Wiper, and Dr. Ancent Kituku of MCCP among others.

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