Meet Makueni preacher who predicted Ruto’s win

He goes by the name Apostle Nicholas Mwongela and hails from Katangi, Mbooni in Makueni county.

The preacher made headlines in April 2022 after walking on foot for days with his family in a quest to meet then-President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Mwongela claimed that he had a message for then-President Uhuru Kenyatta concerning the August elections.

However, he could not access Statehouse despite walking for 140 kilometers but managed to meet the then-Deputy President William Ruto.

A few days before the elections, Mwongela predicted the candidate who would win the General election and lead the country.

In a six-minute clip on his YouTube channel, he is seen with some of his church members at their church where he explains that God had shown him that William Ruto will be president.

“The Bible says that God will not do anything without showing it to his servants, I will repeat what I have been saying all along William Samoei Ruto is the chosen one,” he quoted the Bible.

He also said that there would be no skirmishes after the results are announced and urged the clergy to support Ruto and pray for peace.

“Do not panic no one will die because there will be no post-election violence and I wish preachers would tell their congregants the truth,” he then said.

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