Makueni Finance and Planning CEC – Who is Damaris Kavoi?

Damaris Kavoi was born in 1968 in Kangundo, Machakos county. She is married in Kisau/Kiteta ward and is a mother of 3 and a grandmother of 1.

Damaris schooled at Kakuyuni in Kangundo and went to form one in 1983 in Matungulu girls. She proceeded to Kangaru High school for A levels. Thereafter, she joined Coast institute for an accounting course and later joined Strathmore university in 1991.

In 1994, she started working at the University of Nairobi and has been there for the last 28 years. In 2007, she did a Bachelor of Business Administration from KEMU. In 2009, Damaris started a Masters of Business Administration at the University of Nairobi. She also holds a CPA (K).

Before joining Makueni county, Damaris worked with the University of Nairobi where she started as an accounts clerk and rose through the ranks to be a Senior Accountant in Budget and Financial Reporting. From 2020, she headed the finance docket as Director of Finance.

During vetting by Makueni County Assembly, she promised to make use of Public-private partnerships to advantage the county in fruit processing, tourism, and other areas. Damaris vowed to maximize on ICT systems to introduce efficiency and cut wastage.

During the swearing-in of CECs, Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Junior also said he wants an ICT Driven Makueni. Missed the story? check it out below;

On the issue of county officials who operate to and from Nairobi daily and prices of fuel skyrocketing, Damaris said she will look into the matter after assuming office. She promised to automize banking and reduce the number of bank accounts in the county, building parking lots for trucks to grow revenue among other ideas.

Damaris Kavoi is worth 45 million. She owns a rental house in Nyayo Estate and another house whose construction is ongoing and 2 parcels of land in Ruai.

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