
Kitui speaker race heats up as more candidates express interest

As county assemblies convene for the first sitting this week, several candidates are continuing to lobby MCAs to be elected speaker in Kitui county.

Some of those who have expressed interest in the seat include the incumbent George Ndoto who has served as speaker in the last 10 years. Ndoto previously served as MP and in National Government. 30-year-old Wakili Kelvin Kinengo Katisya an advocate born and raised in Tseikuru, Mwingi North has also expressed interest. Kinengo speaking to Mauvoo News said that he will ensure that there is a harmonious working relationship between the Executive and the county Assembly if he is elected.

Former Tseikuru MCA and chair of Budget and appropriation committee Kilaa Kasina is also said to be among the front runners. Born in Mwingi, Kasina had a 19-year career in banking with vast experience in finance. Kasina did not defend his seat in the August 9th polls.

Businessman Kyalo Muli has also expressed interest in the Speaker position. Muli who is also a music teacher has worked abroad for over 20 years. Muli hails from Kitui central and has a Bachelor of Arts degree.

Others interested in the seat include Paul Ngula Kitungu from Mwingi Central, Benjamin Mwikya, Andrew Lusa and Victor Kyalo from Kitui West.

The speaker of the county Assembly is voted by secret ballot by MCAs after their swearing-in. A person shall not be elected as Speaker unless supported in a ballot by the votes of two-thirds of all Members. If no candidate is supported by the votes of two-thirds of all Members, the candidate who received the highest number of votes in the ballot and the candidate or candidates who in that ballot received the next highest number of votes shall alone stand for election in a further ballot and the candidate who receives the highest number of votes in the further ballot shall be elected Speaker. The speaker is immediately sworn in and they shall notify the Members of the place, date, and time of the opening of the County Assembly.

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