Kitui South MP Reacts After a Teenage Boy was Killed by Camel Herders

Kitui South MP Rachel Nyamai has reacted to the ongoing conflict between Kitui South residents and Camel herders who have invaded their land.

A few days after a teenage boy was killed by the armed bandits, Kaki called upon the security team to intervene to drive away the camel herders from Kitui South. She stated that her people have been killed and injured for a long time by the intruders who have even forced some of the people to flee from their homes fearing being attacked by the bandits yet she has been calling the security to intervene all in vain.

While visiting the Mutha area where the boy was killed, Kaki said,” It is sad to lose a 15-year-old boy in their land which is surveyed and people were forced out of the land. The land has been taken over by camel herders, the people of Kitui south have a constitutional right to use their land without being attacked so I would like to call upon the government to intervene since they had already issued an order to the camel herders to get out of the land.”

Kaki lamented that she has seen many people from the constituency being killed by the bandits without the government taking any action and thus they need assurance from the national government that there will be no more deaths from attacks by camel herders.

“We would like to ask the police through the County Police Commander, the OCPD Mutomo, and the Regional Commander in Embu this is a matter that they should rise to the occasion and get all these camels out of this place so that we do not have more people killed. It is extremely sad because we have lost a child,” she added.

The third-term parliamentarian lamented that children are no longer attending schools for fear of being attacked while some of the villagers are hiding in forests. She also requested the villagers to remain calm as they wait for a response from the security team.

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