
Kenya Red Cross: Machakos among Counties Heavily affected by ongoing rains

Kenya Red Cross has announced that Machakos County is one of the counties that have been heavily affected by the ongoing rains.

According to a statement by KRC through their official X account, 50 acres of farmland in Katangini, Matungulu sub-county was damaged by the heavy downpour in the last 24 hours.

“In the last 24 hours, heavy rainfall has affected approx 980 households in Nyeri, Tana River, Homa Bay, Machakos, and Narok, with 40 business premises submerged in Narok South and 50 acres of farmland damaged in Katangini, Matungulu Sub-County, Machakos,” read part of the statement.

Additionally, at least 10 roads were cut off in Elgeyo Marakwet, Garissa, Tana River, Wajir, Nyeri, Isiolo, and Migori Counties.

According to the Kenya Meteorological Department, the ongoing rainfall is expected to reach its peak towards the end of this month.

Kenya Red Cross has announced that they are actively monitoring the situation, having already pre-positioned emergency supplies, along with conducting risk communication in high-risk areas.

Speaking at Citizen TV Wednesday, Kenya Redcross Secretary General Dr. Ahmed Idris urged Kenyans to be extra careful during this period.

“Don’t take risks with the waters. Most of the people who are dying or getting injured are not taking personal precautions or safety measures. Our request to the public is to be more careful,”He cautioned.

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