Makueni and Machakos counties get new county commissioners

A past photo of the new Makueni County commissioner Gilbert Kitiyo. (Photo - File)

Machakos and Makueni counties have gotten new county commissioners in the latest changes announced on the 12th January 2022.

Gilbert Kitiyo has been moved from Mombasa county and will be the new county commissioner Makueni. Mohammed Maalim who was the county commissioner is now Rift Valley’s regional commissioner.

Rhoda Nyaboke Onyancha was moved from Taita Taveta and will be the new county commissioner Machakos. John Ondego who was in Machakos has been moved to Kakamega.

Abdulla Galgallo has been moved from Embu to Nyeri and Loyford Kibaara from Nyeri to Taita Taveta.

Abdirasack Jaldesa was moved from Samburu to Baringo and Omar Ahmed from Elgeyo Marakwet to Busia. Henry wafula was also moved from Baringo to Samburu.

Jesse Oyugi was moved from Vihiga to office of the president headquarters and Pauline Dola from Kakamega to PA Regional commissioner Nyanza.

other changes;


According to interior PS Karanja Kibicho the changes will take effect immediately.

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