
Inside Makueni County 2023/2024 Financial Year Budget

The Makueni County Government 2023/2024 Budget was passed by the Makueni County Assembly on 27th June 2023. The budget for the 2023/2024 Financial Year is Ksh. 10,196,578,370 (10.1 Billion). Here is the breakdown of the budget for various county departments.

The Allocation for the Office of the Governor is Ksh. 231,328,368 while that of the County Secretary is Ksh. 582,147,009 and the County Attorney’s Office 34 Million.

The Department of Devolution, Public Participation, County Administration, and special programs got an allocation of 341 Million with 30 Million being the development budget and 310 Million as the recurrent estimates.

The Department of Finance, Planning, Budget, and Revenue has a total budget of 877 Million with 281 Million being the development budget and 596 Million as the recurrent budget.

The Department of Agriculture, Irrigation, Livestock, Fisheries, and Cooperative Development has a total budget of 761 Million where 463 Million is Development and 297 Million for recurrent estimates.

The Department of ICT, Education, and Internship has a total budget of 681 Million with a development budget of 192 Million and a recurrent budget of  489 Million.

Department of Gender, Children, Youth, Sports, and Social Services has a total budget of 186 Million where 123 Million is the development budget and 63 Million is the recurrent budget

The Department of Health Services has a budget of 3.6 Billion with a development budget of 640 Million and a recurrent budget of 3 billion.

The Department of Trade, Marketing, Industry, Culture, and Tourism has a total budget of 236 Million where  114 Million is the development budget and 121 Million is the recurrent budget

The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Public Works and Energy has a total budget of 455 Million where the development budget is 293 Million and 162 Million is the recurrent budget.

Department of Lands, Urban Planning and Development, Environmental and Climate Change has a total budget of 420 Million with 339 Million being the development budget and 81 million as the recurrent budget.

Wote Municipality has a total budget of 109 Million with a development budget of 75 Million and a recurrent budget of 34 Million. Emali Municipality has a budget of 111 Million with a development budget of 95 Million and a recurrent budget of 16 Million.

Department of Water and Sanitation has a total budget of 551 Million where 449 Million is the development budget and 102 Million is the recurrent budget.

Sand Authority has a budget of 83 Million where the development budget is 20 Million and the recurrent budget is 63 Million.

County Public Service Board has a total budget of 75 Million while the County Assembly has a total budget of 782 Million.

The total County Executive expenditure is 9.4 Billion while that of the County Assembly is 782 Million. The budget is from Equitable share from the National Government which amounts to  8 billion, conditional grants of 750 Million, and own source revenue of 1 Billion which brings the total to 10.1 Billion.

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