Inside Machakos county 11.59B 2022/2023 Budget

Machakos County Assembly approved the 11.59B 2022/2023 Financial Year Budget whose report was tabled by Kathiani MCA Dominic Ndambuki who is the Chairperson, the Budget and Appropriations committee.

The recurrent expenditure will be Kshs 8,088,468,725 and development Kshs 3,507,847,234.00 representing 30 percent development and 70 percent recurrent expenditure as required by the PFMA, 2012. 

Employee compensation is 53 percent of the budget which violates the limit of 35 percent as per the law. The Budget Committee emphasized that the same should be paid in the respective departments and should not be transferred or reallocated to another department for payment without the approval of the Assembly.

The office of the Governor has a budget of 566,479,033.00 which constitutes 552,144,648 and 14,334,385 for Recurrent and Development expenditures respectively. 

The Department of Public Service and ICT has a budget of 324,279,672 for Recurrent Expenditure and 36,187,652 for Development Expenditure; a total of Kshs 360,467,324.

The Department of Trade, Industrialisation, and innovation has a budget allocation of 99,344,709 for Recurrent Expenditure and Ksh. 180,556,594 for Development Expenditure; a total of 279,901,303. Some of the notable provisions were an allocation of 196,298,631 a new allocation for a legal fee and an allocation of 19.8 M allocated for pending bills (capital transfers). The pending bills were unascertained and therefore the committee recommended the reallocation of these funds to the construction of public toilets and Boda Boda sheds.

The Department of Finance and Economic planning will have a budget of 476,591,141 for Recurrent  Expenditure and 63,747,742 for Development Expenditure; a total of Kshs. 540,338,883. The department proposes to purchase a grader at a cost of 30,000,000, procure a revenue collection system (Machapay) at 51,854,586.72, and clear pending bills amounting to Ksh. 25,298,651.

The Department of County Administration and Decentralized units will have a 494,990,736 budget, 478,556,119 for Recurrent expenditure, and 16,434,617 for Development Expenditures.

The Department of Agriculture, Food Security, and cooperative development has a budget of 374,588,632 for Recurrent Expenditure and a  Development Budget of 456,080,148; a total of 830,668,780. The department had a 51,606,175 provision in the recurrent vote to recruit new staff and provide for salary increments. 

The Department of Water, irrigation, environment, and Natural Resources was allocated 110,746,454 for Recurrent Expenditure and for Development Expenditure 444,254,627 a total of 555,001,080.

The Department of Health and Emergency services which usually takes the big chunk of the budget has an allocation of  Kshs 3,715,790,835 for Recurrent Expenditure and 452,528,294 for Development Expenditure; a total of Kshs 4,168,319,129. This will be 35 percent of the entire county Budget. The key targets for the department will be an ICU for Mwala Level 4 and hospital renovation, Perimeter wall, gate, and fencing for Matuu Level 4, and renovation and upgrading of the other Level 4 hospitals.

The Department of Roads, Transport, and Public works has a budget of 197,914,082 for Recurrent and 942,342,158 for Development Expenditure; a total of Kshs.1,140,256,240. 96 million has been allocated for the upgrading of Kithini-Vota road and 45 million for Kincar-Githunguri-Zebra Road which is in Muthwani ward.

The Department of Education, Skills Training, and social welfare has a budget of 428,971,858 for Recurrent Expenditure and 153,460,588 for Development Expenditure; a total of Kshs 582,432,446. The county treasury had proposed 64 million for bursaries but the MCAs increased it to 80 million. The Department also sought an allocation of 64,573,344 to clear pending bills and monies for the school feeding program for ECDE children.

The Department of Lands, Energy, Housing, and Urban Development has a budget of 159,060,095 for Recurrent Expenditure and 262,317,219 for Development Expenditure; a total of 421,377,314.

The Department of Tourism, Youth, Sports, and Culture has a recurrent Expenditure of112,617,593 and 125,990,459 for Development Expenditure; a total of Kshs. 238,608,052. The department is proposing to complete the construction of four stadia that had stalled namely Mavoko, Masii, Ikombe, and Kinyui as well as the Kyamwilu Anti Gravity tourist site.

 The County Public Service Board will have a Recurrent Expenditure of 50,736,706 and 41,112,751 for Development Expenditure; a total of Kshs. 91,849,457.

 The County Assembly has a budget of 1,007,126, 181 for Recurrent Expenditure and 318,500,000 for Development Expenditure; a total of Kshs 1,325,626,181.

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