Inside Kalonzo’s Return package to the Azimio coalition

Barely 2 weeks after walking out of Azimio-One Kenya Coalition after failing to be picked as Raila’s running mate, Mauvoo News can confirm that Wiper party is headed back to Azimio. The wiper party had however not formally exited from the coalition as the earliest any party can exit the coalition is November 2022.

According to a supplementary deed of agreement which has given Wiper a chance to renegotiate after missing out on the running mate, the party accepts the position of chief minister offered by Azimio and wants the chief cabinet secretary (Kalonzo) to also be Cabinet Secretary Transport, Infrastructure, Urban Development, and Public Works.

Wiper party also wants some security for the position as per the supplementary deed which states that the Chief cabinet Secretary may only be removed from office by parliament first through impeachment which then forwards his name to the president for removal from office and not by sacking directly by the president.

“The functions to be allocated to the office of the Chief Cabinet Secretary, by an appropriate amendment to the National Government Co-ordination Act, 2013, shall be as follows: Supervise the execution of the functions of ministries and Government departments, Coordination of National policy and strategy, Co-ordinating delivery of National Priorities and flagship programmes. Chair cabinet Sub-committee meetings as assigned by the President.” The Wiper party in the agreement proposes.

Apart from the Chief Cabinet Secretary, OKA is also seeking Cabinet Secretaries for Energy, Water, Health, and Tourism and 30 percent of all diplomatic jobs.

This Supplemental Deed will be deposited with the Office of the Registrar of Political parties by the office of the Secretary-General
of Azimio. The Wiper party leadership had insisted everything they will agree with Azimio shall be put on pen and paper.


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