Inside 1.1 Billion Deal between Kitui County and USAID

On Tuesday, (6th December 2022) Kitui Governor Julius Malombe signed a joint work plan with USAID’s James Flock who is the Chief of Party, Resilience Learning Activity (RLA) in the Governor’s office in Kitui town.

Addressing the media after the signing of the joint work plan with USAID among other partners, Governor Malombe pointed out that the main aim of having the work plan is to avoid the repetition of projects done in the county.

The partners agreed to contribute 368 million while the County Government of Kitui contributes 742 million totaling 1.1 Billion Kenya shillings. The Health Department is the biggest winner in the deal.

“We are happy to have this joint work plan with the USAID especially in the health sector because the funds will ensure promotive and preventive health services, improved health products technology and medical supply chain, crisis management for drought responses through cash-based transfers, and provision of unconditional cash assistance to the most vulnerable households to meet their dietary, nutritional and basic survival needs,” Governor Malombe stated.

James Flock said that the main aim is to ensure that they work together with the County Government to ensure that they improve the standards of Kitui county people and bring service delivery and development to them.

Below is the Joint Work Plan Budget Break Down in different sectors of the county government of Kitui:

In the ministry of Agriculture, Water, Irrigation and  Livestock the Kitui County Government will contribute Kshs. 202,599,498 while USAID SEK partners Ksh.30,535,847 and in Health and Sanitation the County Government of Kitui will contribute Kshs. 75,284,600 while USAID will contribute Ksh. 324,795,033.

In the ministry of Trade, Industry, MSMEs, Innovation, and Cooperatives, the Kitui County government will contribute Ksh.111,400,000 while USAID  Ksh. 382,000 and in Education, Training, and Skills Development the County Government of Kitui will contribute Kshs. 37,218,701 while USAID will contribute Ksh.695,000. In the Finance, Revenue Management, and Economic Planning ministry, a budget of Ksh.160,015,048 will come from the County Government while Ksh. 600,000 from USAID.

The budget for the Governance sector will be Kshs.154,418,717 from the County Government of Kitui and Kshs.11,200,000 from USAID and for the ministry of Culture, Gender, Youth, ICT, Sports, and Social Services the county government will allocate Ksh.1,500,000 while USAID Ksh.49,000.

“With the completion of the co-planning and co-financing, we look forward to the co-implementing and joint monitoring. To facilitate that process, the Kitui County Government, USAID, and USAID implementing partners have agreed to continue conducting regular monthly and quarterly progress review meetings,” read a report between the two partners.

Other partners are the 4 Better health program, USAID Advancing Nutrition, World food program, Afya Ugavi, and World Vision.

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