How Top Primary Schools in Makueni performed in KCPE 2022

Results of the 2022 KCPE Examinations were released by Education CS Ezekiel Machogu Wednesday. Here is how the best and top primary schools in Makueni Performed.

Miangeni International Academy had a mean score of 398.4. The top student was Ann Blessing with 424 marks. 12 other students out of the 40 candidates also scored 400 marks and above. Elshadai Academy Wote had a mean score of 398.05.

The county school Makueni had 12 candidates who scored over 400 marks. Alicia Ndanu who scored 417 marks was the top candidate in the school followed by Saviola Muoki with 416 marks. The school had a mean of 397.5.

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Premese Makueni Academy had a mean score of 392.7 marks. Collins Muli was the best student with 429 marks followed by Albert Musyimi with 425 marks. The two are believed to be among top 5 candidates nationally. 19 students had over 400 marks in the school.

The Makueni schools had a mean score of 381, an improvement of 5 points from 2021. 11 students had 400 marks and above. The top students Tracy Maina and Ann Waringa both scored 411 marks. The school had 78 candidates.

St. Pauls Academy Wote had a mean of 375 and Emmanuel Springs Academy Wote followed with a mean of 374.

In Malivani AIC Boarding Primary school, 5 students had over 400 marks and the best student Makori Swabaha scored 416 marks. The school had a mean score of 344.99 and had 121 candidates.

Kari Mwailu Day and Boarding Primary had 11 students who scored over 400 marks. The top student Victor Kasanga scored 417 marks.

Baraka Academy in Tawa had 2 students with over 400 marks. The school had 48 candidates and the top candidate had 407 marks.

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