
Government asked to build a school for handicapped kids in Kalama

Residents of Kalama in Machakos county have asked the government through the Ministry of Education to construct a school for children living with disabilities.

The locals noted that nearby schools are unable to provide inclusive education thus causing the kids with special needs to lack this basic right.

They explained that if it is not possible to construct a whole school then the schools available locally should be made inclusive instead and accomodate these children.

“It would be of great help if the government constructs a school for these children who are forced to go to far areas to acquire education, parents with special children are facing a big challenge because in this area there is no school that can accommodate their children who too have a right to education, ” said a local.

Loise Kimeu another local urged the government to enact laws requiring schools to have equipment for disabled children.

“Interests of disabled children have been ignored we have all seen buildings that are inaccessible to people living with disability thus causing many to drop out of school,” she said.

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