
Gachagua unveils UDA point man in Ukambani as Mutua decries disrespect

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua on Sunday unveiled the UDA point man in Ukambani.

Speaking during the inter-denominational prayers at Kenyatta stadium, Machakos Gachagua said that since former Machakos Senator Johnson Muthama got another job that doesn’t allow him to take part in politics, the Government will be using Mwala MP Eng. Vincent Musyoka Kawaya as the point man in Ukambani.

Musyoka was last month named the National Organizing Secretary UDA. The DP during the service urged Kawaya to bring Kenyans to UDA but first start with his community.

“After Muthama got a job and left the UDA Chairmanship, President Ruto appointed Kawaya to be the Organising Secretary of UDA and that means in Ukambani, the leader who would unite the people and bring them to Government,” Gachagua said.

“I urge you that before you draw other Kenyans to the Government you should begin with your home turf like Jesus began in Jerusalem before going to Judea,” he added.

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The decision by Gachagua to name Musyoka is believed to have been driven by sharp divisions that arose ahead of Ruto’s Machakos visit.

2 Factions emerged with Musyoka leading the faction of leaders allied to UDA while Mutua led another group that is mostly Maendeleo Chap Chap, Independent leaders, and those from other parties.

The divisions were intense ahead of the function with each group fighting to call shots during the visit.

However, the Mwala MP-led faction seemed to have the blessings of the President and Deputy President. CS Mutua had even been excluded from Speakers at the service and it took Governor Wavinya to use her time and request the CS to give his remarks.

Mutua in his speech decried disrespect and infighting among Ukambani Kenya Kwanza leaders. Missed the story? check it out below;

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