
Drama as Mwingi Central MP disrupts PS Mueke’s speech in Mwingi

There was drama during the funeral of the late Professor Kamuti Kiteme in Mwingi Central, Kitui County when Mwingi Central Mp Gideon Mulyungi tried to stop Jonathan Mueke PS in the state Department of Livestock Development from addressing the crowd.

PS Mueke was invited to the podium to address the residents who attended the burial of the renowned Professor Kamuti. The MP demanded to know what the PS had brought from the Kenya Kwanza government to the people of Mwingi and Kitui County at large.

“The government of Kenya led by our President is committed to deliverance development to the people of Kitui. The Kibwezi-Kitui-Mbondoni road that stalled at Kwa Siku has been allocated funds by our president and so it will be completed soon. The government has also allocated 200 billion for the roads, the water issue will also be cured after the construction of the High Grand Falls Dam in Mwingi North, Umaa Dam in Kitui Central, and Thwake Dam. This development is important to your people Hon. Mulyungi let me finish..,” PS Mueke highlighted before he was interrupted by MP Mulyungi who forced him to cut his speech.

“Hii maendeleo mheshimiwa ni muhimu kwa watu wako wacha nieleze kama katibu,” PS Mueke added.

However, MP Mulyungi in response said, “Mueke I want to stop you, tell us what you have brought to our people from President Ruto instead of giving us promises. We don’t want empty promises here,”

PS Mueke said that he wanted to speak one more point and go to sit down but the MP insisted that he should sit down if he doesn’t have anything to tell the people what he has brought to them. Mueke honourably said that he is not used to fighting and squabbles so he will just retreat to sit down.

Hii vita wenzangu ni mbaya wacha nimalize yangu ya kusema ndio nikae chini‘. I’m your good child who loves peace and I don’t fight with anyone,” Mueke said as he went to sit down.

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