Archbishop Ndambuki decries threats by Machakos county officials

Africa Brotherhood Church (ABC) Archbishop Timothy Ndambuki has decried receiving threats from some Machakos County officials.

Archbishop Ndambuki said that after he made sentiments concerning Kalama MCA Boniface Maeke’s assault by Machakos county inspectorate he started receiving threats.

He revealed that some officers from the county government made some sentiments that sounded like threats to him.

“When I condemned the incident concerning Kalama MCA Boniface Maeke seems it did not lie well with some people as I received some threats,” said the Archbishop.

“I heard some say and am not saying anybody, Bishop can talk like that and he has lorries all over the county, these people who do they think they are,” he added.

He noted that some of the officers in the county government were the ones tainting the image of the governor.

“These people are the ones tainting the work of the governor,who do they think they are? Let them come for me if they are men enough,” He went on.

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