
Angry Yatta MP takes on Raila Odinga in fiery statement

Yatta MP Robert Basil has trashed ODM leader Raila Odinga’s remarks that he is not working with President William Ruto.

Speaking in Yatta Basil questioned how several Cabinet Secretaries from the ODM party could have been appointed to crucial positions if there was no negotiation and agreement.

The lawmaker said that Raila betrayed the youths of Kenya and Yatta in general and should stop feigning ignorance.

“There is no way all this got Raila by surprise, he can’t claim there’s no agreement yet he has several cabinet secretaries that have been appointed to the government,” said Basil.

According to Basil while the Gen Z were busy fighting for Kenya Raila was busy finding ways to join the government.

“Lives were lost, scores were injured in the quest for good leadership, but for you, you took it as a chance to join the government for your own gain,” he went on.

He urged the Kenyan youth to continue fighting for reforms in peace without engaging in any form of violence.

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