5 Recreational places in Machakos you can visit on a budget

If you love adventure and you are planning to visit Machakos county but have no idea where to visit on a budget, there are several places that will be breathtaking to stop by.

Here is a list of five places anyone coming over to Machakos can visit.


The place has a bizarre tale behind its mysterious power to defy gravity. The corner is just a few kilometers off Machakos towards Kangundo.

Here is an anti-gravity center and believe it or not as a driver you can drive on free gear for about a hundred meters uphill. Water also flows uphill here. There are no charges here and its absolutely free.

Machakos Peoples park

The beautiful park was constructed during ex-Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua’s regime and is maintained by the county government.

The place attracts groups of people visiting for enjoyment, team building, school trips, and other fun activities.

Some of the activities include maze running, zip lining, camel and horse riding, and bike riding among others. The park also boasts of an open-air amphitheatre.

There is no entrance fee but you will have to pay for the activities and food there.

Ol-Donyo sabuk National park

Located in Kyanzavi, Matungulu sub-county of Machakos county the park serves as home to various types of wildlife.

Over 45 species of birds can be found at the park. Buffaloes, lions, cheetahs, baboons, impalas, and leopards can also be found. One can also hike in Mt. Kilimambogo. There is an entrance fee to the park of about 300 Kshs for citizens.

Wamunyu craft center

Located along Machakos Kitui Road the handicraft is a compilation of African art and sculptures. The handicraft began in the 1900s and continues to thrive.

Although during the COVID-19 period the industry almost collapsed because it relies a lot on foreigners. Visiting the place is free and one can get different curios. Wamunyu Handicraft Society was formed in 1965 with the main aim of marketing Kenya’s image abroad through curios that depict the country’s environment. The society boasts of the most talented wood carvers in East and Central Africa.

Koma shrine

Just on your way to Tala along Kangundo road, you will be met by this big sculpture of Jesus Christ held by his mother Mary. The Catholic faithful gather here annually for pilgrimage.

The place began as a shrine for the Kamba elders in the early days and up to now, people visit the place for prayers and meditation.

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