
What I Will do if Raila doesn’t endorse me in 2027 -Kalonzo

Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has called on Azimio One Kenya Coalition flag bearer Raila Odinga to back his presidential bid in 2027 to become the sixth President of Kenya.

Speaking in Kyuso town, Mwingi North during Azimio One Kenya rally, Kalonzo stated that he is supporting Raila Odinga to become the fifth president of Kenya after the August 9 polls and Raila should reiterate the same in 2027 since he has also supported him three times.

Kalonzo revealed that he might choose to retire from politics if Raila Odinga won’t endorse his presidential bid in 2027 noting that the Kamba community should be given chance to lead the country and the right time will be 2027.

“Let’s wait and see whether Raila will back me after five years. If he won’t support me, I will go home to Tseikuru and say that I won’t vie again. But that won’t happen because we have supported Moi all those years. When I was Minister of Home Affairs of President Daniel Moi, I helped him but he endorsed Uhuru in 2002, I supported Mwai Kibaki when the government was about to be taken by Ruto and Raila. In 2013 and 2017 I decided to support Raila and we won although later they said we never won,” Kalonzo said.

He stated that in the August elections Raila is going to win and become the fifth president and when he becomes the chief minister he will ensure that there is a remarkable development in Ukambani.

“Our children come for police recruitment in large numbers yet only two or three are selected. You won’t see that because when I’m the Prime Minister I won’t allow that. I told Raila that I know the problems of our people and I will ensure that their problems are solved by the Azimio One Kenya coalition,” Kalonzo added.

Kalonzo also led the Wiper brigade in drumming support for Wiper Leaders in Kitui urging residents to vote for Wiper leaders from the Member of the County Assembly to the Governor.

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