Mwala MP Calls out Mutyambai over Investigations into the murder of Embakasi East Returning Officer

Mwala MP Eng. Vincent Musyoka Speaking after visiting the family of slain Embakasi Returning officer Daniel Mbolu Musyoka in Utithini -Mwala (Photo - Courtesy)

Mwala MP Eng. Vincent Musyoka Musau alias Kawaya has called out the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) and the Kenya Police over the investigation into the death of Embakasi East Returning officer Daniel Mbolu Musyoka.

Speaking after visiting with the family of the slain Returning officer in Mina Nthoni village, Utithini sublocation of Mwala, the third term MP said that the DCI and Inspector General of Police offices were slow on the investigations of the murder.

“IG Hillary Mutyambai nothing like being a kamba while working. Look for DCI and give us a solution on the people who killed our son. Our country has systems and I don’t see why we can’t investigate who called him before he got murdered,” said the legislator.

“We need to know what transpired because the RO had bodyguards and we need to get information from the bodyguard and what he had observed. What we need is Mutyambai and DCI you should have already taken in the MP for Embakasi East and his close competitor so that they can be the first suspects,” he added.

The vocal legislator further assured the family of the deceased that he would follow up the matter and ensure that justice was served to the family accordingly.

“I want to condole with the family and assure them that it is not enough to accept that out loved one is no more we need justice,I shall ensure that I rally MPs to sack all those civil servants who are not giving justice to people,” Eng. Vincent went on.

His words were echoed by Jackson Mboya who is the family spokesperson who condemned the act and called for investigations to be sped up and justice accorded to their son.

Daniel Musyoka body was found in Oloitoktok in Kajiado County after he was reported missing to the authorities. He was the IEBC Returning Officer in Embakasi East constituency – Nairobi County.

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