Machakos Farmers counting losses as Armyworms invade farms

Armyworms feeding on grass in a farm in Machakos. Farmers are counting loses after invasion of worms in various parts of the county. (Photo -Juline/Mauvoo)

Farmers from parts of Machakos County are counting losses. This is after armyworms invaded their farms as the crops neared maturity and harvest.

Speaking to Mauvoo News after visiting several areas in Syanthi, Katine, and Kathaana areas where worms have invaded the farms, Chairman of the agriculture committee in Machakos County Assembly Moses Mitaa said that they were coming up with a solution to aid the farmers.

He further revealed that the worms had invaded various parts of the county including Mwala sub-county.

“Today we have done some fieldwork to establish areas affected by armyworms in their farms and that have brought damage. We are advising farmers to liaise with the Agriculture department in the county and get to know the pesticides to use,” said Mitaa.

“Various areas in the sub-county have been affected especially in Mwala and we are working on a way to ensure that they get the necessary assistance from the county so that we can combat the damage done to their farms,” MCA Mitaa added.

The armyworms have invaded various parts of Machakos county and are feeding on grass as well as farm produce.

Below are photos of the worms;

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