
Limuru Sub-County Police Commander Dies in Tragic Kitui Car Crash

Limuru sub-county police commander Philip Mwania perished in a car crash in his native Kitui county on Friday night.

Leah Kithei, the Kitui County Commander confirmed the 11.30 p.m. incident. According to her, the police sub-county commander, Officer Philip Mwania, passed away following a head-on collision with a lorry in his vehicle.

Kithei also highlighted that the police officer perished instantly upon impact. The accident happened near the Nzeeu River on the Kitui-Mutomo route. She went on to state that the truck driver escaped the collision unscathed. The Kitui County Commander stated that the cause of the accident had not yet been determined.

According to her, the deceased police officer might have been en route to his remote Nzambani home. In the car by himself was the slain officer. According to Kithei, the deceased police officer’s body has been taken to the morgue of the Kitui County referral hospital.

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