
Kitui: Body Of Assistant Chief Retrieved after being swept by floods

Police in Kitui West sub-county have retrieved the body of Katheani/Kasakini sublocation Assistant chief after he was swept away by water.

The Assistant chief was on his way home and tried crossing Katheani stream but the water levels had increased and he was swept away.

Addressing the press Kitui West MP Edith Nyenze called on residents to be on the lookout while crossing rivers and streams with the heavy rains being experienced in the country

She advised residents to be on the lookout for flooding of rivers even if it has not rained in the area. She called on parents to check on their children especially now that they are not in school.

“I want to pass condolences to the family of Malombe Kalundu Katheani/Kasakini sublocation assistant chief who passed away after being carried away by water from Katheani stream while on his way home,” Edith Nyenze said.

“I want to call upon people not to assume water on streams and rivers they should be careful when crossing them because with the heavy rains water levels have increased and it’s not like before I want to call on parents to take care of their children during this period,” she added.

The body of the deceased has been taken by police officers from Ndolos police station and taken to Kitui Level 4 hospital morgue awaiting burial.

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