
Kalonzo: Azimio is firm to soldier on without Raila Odinga

Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has assured that the Azimio coalition will remain intact and soldier on even without the presence of Raila Odinga.

Kalonzo made the sentiments while addressing members of the public at Kenyatta market in Langata constituency Nairobi moments after attending a church service at Nairobi Baptist church.

Kalonzo said there will be no gap in the opposition leadership as Odinga who has been the face of the Azimio coalition prepares to launch his bid for African Union commission chairmanship.

“I want to assure you as Azimio coalition, we are united. Two days after Raila announced his bid, we met and agreed that as Azimio we must stand firm as the opposition party, “Kalonzo said.

“Raila is going to hold a higher position and we pray for him as Azimio coalition to be successful, we are looking at the interest of Kenya and not Kenya Kwanza or Azimio la Umoja because Raila is now above local politics,” Kalonzo added.

During the rally at Kenyatta market, the Wiper party leader was accompanied by Nairobi senator Edwin Sifuna, Kitui senator Kiio Wambua, Matungulu MP Stephen Mule, Embakasi south MP Mawanthe and Kitui West MP Edith Nyenze.

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