
Hope for Kitui Cotton farmers as Senate Agriculture committee visits

Senate Agriculture Committee on Thursday held a public participation with locals from Kitui in a bid to see how cotton farming will be revived in the County.

The committee was led by Muranga Senator James Kamau who noted that the Government is ready to seal all loopholes in ensuring the crop thrives.

He noted that cotton has been classified with plants like dhania, Terere among other crops which don’t bring massive profits to the farmers.

The Senator disclosed a bill was in Parliament seeking to categorize cotton with other p to ensure the farmer benefits.

Also, this will ensure companies and factories dealing with cotton are revived.

Kamau also disclosed plans to ensure the ouster of middlemen who have made the market unreachable to cotton farmers by providing them with a direct market.

“The farmers will also be provided with pesticides, herbicides, inputs, fertilizer and also create Saccos and cotton farming will spring back like it never died,” he said.

He observed that the creation of cooperatives will ensure the production of more cotton according to the economics of scale.

Beth Syengo nominated Senator from Kitui county said the climate of Kitui is suitable for cotton farming and when the farming is revived then farmers can be able to access loans from the G5overnment.

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