Needy Mwingi Mother with three kids joining Form one cries for help

Syombua Mbete with her children set to join Form one during an interview with the press (Photo - Courtesy)

Syombua Mbete a mother from Mwingi in Kitui county is in despair after three of her children that sat for KCPE exams risk failing to join Form One Next week .

Mbete told Mauvoo News that she does menial jobs around the market to cater for her family. Catering for the school fee and other expenses of the three boys will not be a walk in the park for her.

She is now calling for well-wishers and the government to aid in ensuring these kids join high school.

The trio sat for their 2021 KCPE exams at Kasina Primary school and scored 245,250 and 295 marks respectively.

“I’m asking Kindly if there is anyone who can help to do so because, to be honest things haven’t been good around here. I don’t want my kids to hate themselves just because they can not join their dream schools,” she said.

“I do Vibarua here and there at the market. Sometimes I stay for three days without getting a job yet I’m the only breadwinner,” she added.

Mbete revealed that she has another child in Form one at Mulangoni secondary that she is struggling to keep in school.

“It’s very far in Tseikuru which costs 800. Sometimes I don’t get the fare in time forcing my son to report to school late. I try as much as I can but sometimes it’s not enough.” She added.

Candidates who did their KCPE Exams are expected to Join secondary schools starting Next week. The Government has been pushing for a 100 percent transition of students. Learners from poor families that don’t perform well and miss out on the scholarships that are available don’t get any of the scholarships.

To Reach Syombua Mbete, contact her on 0701854434.


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