
Makali Scathing Attack on CS Nominees from ODM

Kitui Central MP Makali Mulu has launched a scathing attack on Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leaders who have been nominated as Cabinet Secretaries, branding them as hypocrites and two-faced.

Speaking in Kitui, Mulu expressed disbelief at the nominees’ acceptance of positions in President William Ruto’s government, despite their previous vocal criticisms of him.

“It is astounding that those who were at the forefront of denouncing President Ruto, calling him all sorts of names, are now ready to serve under his administration,” Mulu remarked.

 “You were with us on this side, condemning Ruto, but now you’re on the other side taking orders from him. This does not help our country. If it were me, I would not have accepted those positions,” he declared.

Mulu emphasized the essential role of the opposition, stating, “The opposition is always the alternative government. Their duty is to hold the current government accountable, and if it fails to deliver, the opposition takes over in the next general elections.”

Kitui Governor Julius Malombe echoed Mulu’s sentiments, arguing that the ODM nominees would be ineffective in helping the government serve its people because they have never supported it.

 “How can they now claim to assist the very administration they have always opposed?” Malombe questioned.

Both leaders called on the Kamba community to remain loyal to Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka and resist any pressure for him to join the government. “We must rally behind Kalonzo Musyoka and maintain our integrity as a community,” they urged.

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