Linus Kaikai takes on Machakos Speaker in Kicker segment

Barely a week after Machakos Speaker Ann Kiusya’s remarks during a Thanksgiving service attended by President in Machakos caused an uproar, debate on the remarks seems far from over.

The latest to speak on the Speaker’s Sunday remarks is Citizen TV’s Linus KaiKai during the Kicker segment at the Weekly News Gang show.

“On my kicker tonight I seek your indulgence, allow me to share the platform with a very rare breed of a politician. A politician who defied all odd to just state what is truly inside her heart and damn the consequences.”Kaikai said.

“Ann Kiusya the Speaker of the County Assembly of Machakos had the honor to speak at a presidential event last Sunday, and clearly it was not an opportunity she could waste. The Machakos Speaker listed Salary increment as item number one in her list of grievances and bravely moved on to the next items.” The News gang panelist went on.

Kaikai advised the Speaker to follow the news so as to stay up to date with happenings in the country and avoid making blunders.

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“I give it up to the Speaker of Machakos County for being straight with the country, the President, and the people of Machakos that she serves. Out of the 7 grievances, all but just one are about self. ‘ our salaries, our mileage, our allowances. Well done Madam Speaker. Just a small suggestion to you speaker of Machakos, always take a moment to follow the news, had you done that you would have heard the Government didn’t have money to pay salaries let alone increments.”He advised.

“The National Government has been unable to remit funds to the Counties including yours for some months now. I can’t help imagining what was going on in President Ruto’s mind, he switched off the Automatic listening Machine and send the remarks where they belong.” Kaikai concluded.

During President Ruto’s visit to Machakos Last week, Speaker Ann Kiusya was shouted down after requesting a Salary increase for MCAs and more allowances. Missed the story? Check it out below;

The Video;

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