
Kalonzo tells off DP Gachagua over Judiciary

Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka has once again spoken about the Kenya Kwanza administration’s perceived attempts to exert influence over the Judiciary.

Speaking in Nairobi on Tuesday, Kalonzo slammed Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua for allegedly playing a role in the government’s efforts to gag the Judiciary.

He referenced an earlier statement in which DP Gachagua announced his intention to personally submit a petition before the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) seeking the removal of Justice Esther Maina from the bench due to allegations of corruption and misconduct.

The DP indicated that he would seek out Chief Justice Martha Koome over the aforesaid matter on Thursday.

“I am waiting to see whether the Chief Justice will receive Gachagua on Thursday. He (Gachagua) said he was going to lead a protest. I want to see that. I want to see that because that will be the culmination of absurdity with regard to the relationship between the Executive and the Judiciary,” said Kalonzo.

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“We are witnessing very absurd situations and we must say enough is enough. Please leave the Judiciary alone.” He added.

The former Vice President went ahead to allay fears about the potential dissolution of the opposition Azimio coalition party, saying “differences of opinion” do not necessarily imply a split.

“There is no such thing as Azimio falling apart. It is all in people’s imagination because we are committed. Differences of opinion here and there do not translate or cannot be taken as problems within the coalition. We are very determined, more than ever before to forge a unified position as Azimio la Umoja One Kenya,” he said.

“This morning I had a meeting with ex-Senator Gideon Moi of KANU; he is also solidly with us because when we are organizing those demos Gideon is always represented by the Secretary-General, Bwana Wainaina. So the coalition is as strong as ever.”Kalonzo assured.

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