
From Headteacher to Machakos Education CEC, meet Joyce Mwikali Muindi

Joyce Mwikali Muindi comes from Mukalwa, Sengani Sublocation in Matungulu constituency. A trained teacher, Joyce has over ver 24 years of experience.

Before her appointment as CEC Education In Machakos, She was the headteacher at Kwatombe primary school.

During vetting she promised to share bursaries equitably across all cadres of learners from those doing degrees, those In TVETs, colleges and those in secondary schools as their fees differ.

Joyce vowed to mobilize funds through NGOs to make sure all children in Machakos get quality education. On the school feeding program, she noted that they will implement a feeding program for all ECDE centers in the county.

For vocational training,  Joyce said she will lobby resources to ensure all those who don’t proceed to secondary schools get a chance to join the vocational training institutions.

The CEC had been unwell and was discharged in late October from Kenyatta National Hospital and was just engaged briefly because of her condition at the time.

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