
Blow to Azimio as Kitui Leaders defect to UDA

The UDA party Kitui chapter has received a major boost after several leaders defected from Charity Ngilu’s NARC party, Jubilee, Wiper, Maendeleo Chap Chap, and ODM.

Speaking during a UDA meeting held in Kitui town the defectors said they were ready to work with the current government for the benefit of the Kamba community. They pointed out that the community has lagged in development for being in opposition for many years. They said that they would unite together to push for more development in the region. The defectors thanked president Ruto for appointing two Cabinet Secretaries from Ukambani and the 3 Principal Secretaries.

“We have joined Kenya Kwanza government led by President William Ruto because we want our people from Ukambani to be fully represented in the government and their issues addressed. We have had a lot of problems as a result of our staying in opposition, there is drought which has caused food shortages, and a lack of water and that’s why we have seen that the Kamba community has been in opposition for over 10 years and we won’t stay anymore in opposition,” Esther Ndile who was vying for Kitui woman a representative seat on Jubilee Party ticket said.

The defectors said that they will join hands with all the leaders from other parties, join the UDA party, and put the agenda of the people first so that the people can get more development compared to when they are in opposition.

“We have come so that our people can benefit from the Kenya Kwanza government and get more development projects. We can’t rely on the past times of saying we will follow what our kingpin is telling us to do. We also feel part of UDA because the Chairman is from our community and we are confident that we will get a lot from the Kenya Kwanza government,” Ndile added.

The leaders also called upon Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka to stop opposing everything in President Ruto’s government even if he is in opposition.

“I want to caution some of our leaders about the so-called kingpin who is purported to be in the opposition and decided to oppose everything, as Kitui leaders we will support President Ruto to get more projects in our region,” Patrick Koki Musau popularly known as ‘Kuvasila’ who was vying for Mwingi West MP on NARC stated.

Moses Banda the Kitui county UDA coordinator welcoming them affirmed that the new members will benefit from the government just like the old members.

“People are not basically coming for the cake only, they are coming to help in cooking and making the cake bigger than it is. We welcome them and it is our wish that the economic gains coming from the Kenya Kwanza manifesto are going to reach not only the people who have come but all the Kenyans. We want to assure the leaders who have come from other parties that the cake is big and it is going to distribute development in all corners of the country,” Banda said.

Patrick Koki Musau, Dennis Katunda who was vying for MCA in Kitui East, Musee Mati who vied for MCA in Mutonguni, Kitui West, Ann Mutisya who was vying for Kitui Women representative, and Julius Mutuka who was vying for Kitui Senatorial seat all defected from Ngilu’s NARC party while Jubilee Party members who defected to UDA are Esther Ndile and Mary Philip who was vying for Mwingi Central MCA seat. Onesmus Mumo King who was vying for the Kitui South parliamentary seat on the ODM Party ticket also defected to UDA.

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