
Athi River: Mother Shares Pain of Losing Infant Son in Daycare

Caroline Ndeta and Patrick Kiia’s infant son, Adrian Kioko, tragically died on September 10, 2024, at a daycare in Athi River.

The tragedy struck just two weeks before his first birthday, after being taken to daycare at the Sky Plaza building in Athi River, Kenya. When Patrick returned to the daycare, he found Adrian wrapped in a blanket and unresponsive.

At the hospital, they learned Adrian had already passed away due to food entering his windpipe and lungs. The family reported the incident to the police, but the daycare owner remains free despite allegations of a similar previous incident in January.

A postmortem revealed that food had entered his windpipe and traveled to his lungs.

Caroline, filled with grief, noted that her son was just weeks away from his birthday. She explained that she had prepared food for Adrian early that morning. She then asked Kiia to stay with him until he left for work.

“When my husband returned to the house, he wanted to cook supper so he could go to work at 7 pm. When he went to buy Sukuma Wiki, he saw the daycare owner with a baby wrapped in a blanket, accompanied by another woman,” Caroline told the press.

Despite Kiia’s efforts to rush Adrian to Mutungoni hospital, they learned he had died earlier. Caroline expressed her frustration with the police. The family is now preparing for their child’s burial amid their grief.

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