Why Slaughtering Chicken for In-laws is a taboo for Kambas

The Kamba women are not only known for their tantalizing looks but also they are hard workers, submissive, and are known to be loyal.

It is the wish of many Kenyan men to marry these women as they complement a man and bagging them is a privilege.

Unknown to many certain Kamba traditional beliefs may kill your relationship more so if you are planning to marry the Kamba girl you are dating.

Among their beliefs include not eating a chicken when you visit her parents for the first time.

If your Kamba girlfriend takes you to their home for introduction and her parents slaughter chicken for you just know your ship has sunk.

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It is believed that when your future in-laws slaughter a chicken for you, your relationship will die and won’t progress to marriage.

The best thing to do is refuse to eat the food if you are serious about the girl although it’s hard to turn down chicken on an empty stomach.

Men from other tribes will not know this thing and wouldn’t know the reason why their relationship failed later.

A Kamba elder told Mauvoo news that although the traditions are being abandoned there are people who still believe in them.

“It was said that as you pluck out the feathers of the chicken the same way the relationship between the two families was being plucked out, it was not going to last. Nowadays with the intermarriages, not many people follow the traditions but some are keen on them,” she said.

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