Makueni County Assembly on Tuesday (28th February) adopted the report from the committee on Gender rejecting the nomination of Jane Ndinda Nyamai as the Chief Officer nominee for Gender, Children, Youth, Sports, and Social Services.
The committee found that the nominee was not suitable for the post because she had not attained Five years of experience in a managerial post and also lack of knowledge on matters of gender.
“The nominee did not have knowledge of the national and county matters concerning gender, youth, children, and people living with disabilities. She was also not conversant with legal matters concerning children, youth, people living with disability and also sports,” the committee report read.
The nominee according to the MCAs did not exhibit personal communication skills and hence was not suitable for that position.
Kyalo Mumo, the majority leader of the Makueni Assembly pointed out that the sectoral committees have been very independent during their vetting process and that’s why they adopted the report.
“I didn’t sit on the committee on gender, I want to believe the reasons for disapproval are genuine because they must have considered everything Mr. Speaker. The committee was independent, not rubber stamping, this is what Makueni county wants Mr. Speaker, not shenanigans, not non-partisan Mr. Speaker, but the truth” the MCA for Tulimani who is also the Majority Leader stated.

The Majority Leader also pointed out that they must get people who will perform so that the people of Makueni get service delivery accordingly.
Francis Mutuku who is Nzaui/Kilili/Kalamba ward MCA and also the Deputy Majority leader supporting the motion also said that the Assembly approves people of integrity to serve the people of Makueni.
“It is disheartening for a member to be nominated and when he comes to the committee you find that she doesn’t even know the basic things that she is supposed to do in that department. It is therefore not proper for this house Mr. Speaker to go even advancing debate it because the nominee has been rejected by the committee and it is important we give the Governor people that can deliver services to the people of Makueni,” MCA Francis Mutuku said.
Most of the MCAs congratulated the committee for doing its job independently without fear or favor to help the Governor perform his duties.
The Assembly also approved John Nguni chief officer Financial services, Dr. Geoffrey Ngovi Public service management, Dr. Victoria Katuku Agriculture, Naomi Mwanza Energy, Irene Nduku Devolution and public service.