Unknown Wild animal kills 19 goats in Kathonzweni

Locals of Kavisi village in the Kathonzweni Ward Makueni county are in distress after losing 19 goats.

They told Mauvoo News that an unknown animal invaded their sheds attacked and killed the goats leaving a trail of destruction.

The animal struck at night and clawed the goats, sucking their blood and leaving them to die.

They called upon the Kenya Wildlife Services to act swiftly and trap the animal before it did more damage.

One of the locals expresses concerns the animal may be a leopard considering the nature of the attack.

“I woke up to find my goats dead in the shed, the animal killed and sucked their blood, it did not eat the meat, we are not sure which animal did all this,” he said.

They also expressed fear for their lives and that of their children who may be attacked by the animal.

“Bearing the brunt will be our school-going children who wake up in the wee hours. We will be now forced to accompany them lest they are attacked by this beast that remains a mystery to us,” He went on.

They also called for compensation to the affected farmers since many of them depend on their animals to eke a living.

The Kenya Wildlife Service is yet to respond to the issue.

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