How would you feel if a property that you took many years to obtain just goes missing? Without knowing where it went and who took it, how would you feel, the bible says you should reap where you sow, this saying has been meaningless to a few individuals out here who just wish to acquire property through fraudulent means, they don’t care how much time, effort and resource an individual had to invest, to have it.
For many years issues of theft have been common in our neighborhood, and hope in yours too, have you ever wondered why despite the cases being taken to the police no change has ever been seen, three out of five individuals have been robbed of their property either directly or indirectly, This is most common in residential areas, especially in an urban settlement where some people don’t wish to sweat through hard work to get their needs, When I moved to Nairobi from my native locality I was informed of the ongoing robbery that mainly takes place any time of the day commonly known as “Ngeta” where a group of men forcefully snatches off your property and run away with it, If you tend to struggle you might get hurt or in some incidences, people lose their lives, I really wonder how the perpetrators feel when they are in ownership of a fraudulent property. Do they enjoy having it knowing that it doesn’t belong to them, I have stayed in Nairobi for fifteen years Now and year after year things have been going rogue, A friend of mine was killed in kayole estate when a group of young men attacked him armed with Knives they snatched him his phone, He was injured on the chest and died upon arrival at the Kenyatta National hospital in Nairobi central business district.
We reported the matter to the police but so far nothing has been done, No one has been brought to book nor did any suspect arrest, how would you feel if you lost someone close to such incident, it’s really painful. From time to time we had been visiting various police post to get to know where the investigations had reached; to our disappointment, the police from time to time have been giving us empty promises that there nearing making the arrest of the suspects its three months now nobody is in custody. At our residence in Kayole estate in Nairobi robbery has become common, one gangster group by the Name Gaza commonly known to the locals has been terrorizing residents by forcefully robbing off residence properties like Phones, Motorbikes, Electronics and the common one attack at M-pesa shops, The police are aware of the group but they too do nothing to stop the habit, Most times the police cover them up, I do not understand how a democratic country like Kenya would just leave its citizens In the hands of thugs and do nothing to help them protect their property as it’s a right constitutionally, I had not experienced the robbery personally until it happened to me a week agoI was from work to my place of residence at around 6:00pm in the evening, when a group of four men armed with Knives, attacked me, I was ordered to surrender everything I had which I did and thereafter I was beaten up and badly injured, they broke my arm before they run away leaving me in pain, it was by means of a good Samaritan that I was taken to the hospital, Am yet to recover fully.
I wanted to get justice, but one thing I knew was that I was not going to the police, they wouldn’t help. I heard of kiwanga doctors from a friend, who helps recover lost property. I wanted my Expensive Samsung phone with my Kenyan shilling 20000 they took from me, With No hesitance, I called doctor Kiwanga and informed him what had transpired, he informed me that it was easy and in two days, I will have my property back, and suspects in Custody. One afternoon as I was watching one pm news on television, there was News that three thieves in kayole estate had turned to be herbivorous, they were grazing like animals, and they had been arrested by police, I was called by the police to pick my property as the suspects were taken to court and charged, as we talk they are serving a life imprisonment sentence. Thanks to kiwanga doctors helping me recover my property.
Kiwanga doctors also deal in healing and treating of diseases Like Leukemia, Meningitis, and High blood pressure among other diseases, they also cast real and genuine spells in the world like Money spell, Success spell, and Black magic spells among other spells.
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