Reprieve for Kangundo East Residents as dispensary opened

Residents of Kwa Mwenze area in Kangundo East Ward, Machakos County have something to smile about after the opening of the Kwa Mwenze dispensary.

Speaking after the opening of the dispensary Machakos County Health and Emergency Services CEC Dr. Ancent Kituku urged the residents to ensure that they make use of the hospitals that are near them rather than going through the hustle to access the bigger hospitals.

“I urge people to make use of the local dispensaries in their area. Today this dispensary has drugs and a clinician as well as a maternity wing for the expectant mothers,” he said.

Grace Mutwiwa the area MCA noted that after questioning the health status in the county, action has been taken, and now people will be able to access medical care nearer home.

“I want to thank the county government for such an initiative, we now have a doctor who will be on duty 24/7 and my people will get all the services they require without going far.” MCA Grace said.

The health CEC also revealed that the county was going to open more dispensaries in Kangundo sub-county to benefit locals.

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