Replacement of 30-year old cooling Systems at Kangundo Mortuary begins

Machakos County Health Department has commenced the replacement of the outdated cooling machines at the Kangundo Level 4 Hospital mortuary. 

The equipment, which has been in use for 30 years recently malfunctioned, leading to a temporary shutdown of the mortuary and causing significant inconvenience for residents of Matungulu and Kangundo sub-counties.

Rashid Kala, Machakos health Chief officer accompanied by Moses Mitaa, the Kangundo sub-county administrator, visited the mortuary to oversee the start of the overhaul process. 

Kala confirmed that the facility has been handed over to a contractor following a completed procurement process.

The Chief officer highlighted that the cooling machines’ failures were largely due to frequent power fluctuations in the area stating that the facility will be functional again after 10 days.

 “These machines are old and the four chambers require an overhaul. We have done a procurement process which has culminated in us having a contractor. We hope this process will be done in ten days and we can be able to receive bodies. We have encouraged the contractor to work day and night to ensure the work ends early,” said Kala.

Moses Mitaa the sub-county administrator asked locals to be patient as the whole process is taking place.

“The swift repair and replacement of the cooling systems aims to restore the mortuary’s functionality and provide much-needed services to the community once again. We urge our people to use Kathiani level four hospital mortuary for now,” said Mitaa.

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