Mwingi Central MP Seeks answers in Parliament over Water shortage in Mwingi

Mwingi Central MP Gideon Mulyungi sought answers from the Cabinet Secretary for Water, Sanitation, and Irrigation on the plans that the ministry has put in place to construct and develop dams, boreholes, and water pans in his Constituency.

He called upon the Cabinet Secretary to submit a list of dams, boreholes, water pans, and piped water supply lines constructed or developed by the National Government in Mwingi Central, Mwingi West, and Mwingi North Constituencies from the 2017/2018 financial year to date. The MP cited that the Mwingi region lacked inadequate water supply hence there is a need to increase the supply in major towns in the region.

“In view of the fact that Mwingi Central Constituency and in particular Mwingi town lacks adequate, reliable, and clean water supply that forces residents to use donkeys to fetch water from dry seasonal rivers, when shall the Ministry allocate sufficient resources to improve water supply in this area?”, the Mwingi Central MP asked during the National Assembly sitting on Tuesday, November 23rd.

The legislator further inquired about the measures that the Ministry of Water, Irrigation, and Sanitation has taken to ensure the construction and development of dams, boreholes, and water pans in the Mwingi Central Constituency.

Mwingi town is one of the major towns in Kitui County which has occasional water shortages despite being near the seven folks dam project in Masinga and Embu which supplies water to Machakos and Kitui County. Many people are forced to trek to the nearby Tyaa River and buy water from water browsers.

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