Makueni County to host the first National Mango Conference

Makueni County is set to host the first-ever mango conference and exhibition in the Country from May 16 to May 18 to address challenges facing mango farmers.

Governor Mutula Kilonzo while addressing the media last week said that he is proud of Makueni for being picked as the first County to host such a conference, stating that all is set ready for the event that will take place in Wote police grounds.

“Last year, we received a letter from Horticultural Crops Development Authority (HCDA) nominating Makueni as the first County to host the first National mango conference in the country. We have held meetings between them and the Department of Agriculture about the conference and we have agreed on the theme ‘Winning markets for Kenyan mangoes”, Governor Mutula said.

He added that the market for the crop is now available since the Country lifted the ban that it had imposed.

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“The market for mango export is now open. The self-ban that Kenya had imposed on itself has been lifted. We have an opportunity as a country to sell our mangoes in the US,” he disclosed.

The County boss revealed that Makueni was chosen because it is the leading producer of mangoes with a margin of 19 percent.

The event will bring together guests from the Ministry of Agriculture, who will address challenges facing farmers including marketing and processing. Other invited guests include officials from other counties which produce mangoes such as Kitui, Machakos, Lamu, Kilifi, and Embu among others.

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