Makueni County Secondary School Term 2 Game Winners

The 2024 Makueni County Secondary School games which started on the 3rd of July at Makindu Boys concluded Saturday. Here is the list of the winners.

In Soccer Boys, Iani Boys showed their prowess in the field scooping the win while in the Girls category, Malaa Girls took the trophy.

In Volleyball Tumaini Boys proved their dominance after securing their 3-1 victory in the boys category against Matiliku Boys. However, Matiliku has since lodged an appeal against Tumaini for fielding ineligible players. Nduluni Girls carried the day in the girls’ category.

Mbooni Boys were crowned as the king of courts with Makueni Girls girls being crowned queens in the girls category.

In Netball Syumile Girls secured victory qualifying to represent Makueni in the regionals.

In the Rugby 7’s in the boys’ category, Mbooni Boys were crowned winners while St Monica Wautu won in the girls’ category.

The teams will compete at the Regionals which will be held at Kitui School from July 10th to 14th.

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