Machakos County Public Service Board alleges Rot in Wavinya’s Government

Machakos County Public Service Board Members have alleged a rot in the new county administration. This is contained in a petition to the high court which is dated 15th November 2022.

In the petition, the 4 commissioners claim that on the 10th of November 2022, armed county inspectorate officials and hired goons illegally stormed the County Public Service Board offices, terrorized, threatened, and ordered all staff to leave immediately.

They were all searched and escorted by the said inspectorate officers who seized documents and confiscated all the keys to the offices.

In the petition, the 4 allege that Wavinya has severally ordered them to dismiss all staff in the office of the Governor and Deputy Governor but they declined citing legal procedures. After they refused, the staff were moved to other departments. In September, all staff from Governor’s office were sent on compulsory leave, missed the story? check it out below;

The 4 Public service board members further allege the Governor brought the name of a new Chief of staff Lawrence Ngovi and she demanded he is employed. Days later, the governor and new chief of staff brought a list of officials who demanded to be employed in the office of the Governor and included in the payroll. The County public service board demanded their credentials and recruitment process which they found out was not competitive. They claim that they were threatened with impeachment if they did not employ the officials.

The letter requesting documents of the new Chief of staff that is said to have brought trouble to the 4 commissioners.

They further claimed some employees are serving in two public offices such as Daniel Yumbya Health CEC who they say is also a special advisor on political affairs and the new Finance CEC Onesmus Muia Kuyu Advisor on economic affairs.

Earlier in the week, Machakos Majority leader tabled a motion seeking to oust the 4 county public service board commissioners. Missed the story? check it out below;

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