Machakos CEC Lands, Urban Development, Housing, and Energy -Who is Philip Mutua Kilonzo?

Philip Mutua Kilonzo was born in Kathiani in 1961 and went to Kathiani Primary. He proceeded to Machakos Boys between 1976 to 1979.

In 1980 he went for A levels at Strathmore college. Thereafter he joined Kenyatta university in 1983 for a Bachelor of Arts Degree.

After graduating, he was employed as a teacher at Kangundo High school and later joined the Mheta group as a sales and marketing representative. From there he resigned to start a private business in chemical manufacturing chemicals which he does to date.

In 2013 and 2017, he unsuccessfully vied for Mavoko MP. Until this year he was Chair Mavoko Water and Sewerage Company.  He is currently pursuing Masters in leadership from PAC University.

During his vetting, In Land registries, he proposed the National Government to devolve some functions to the county so that the county government can be in control.  He also suggested wind and solar energy for streetlights using LED Bulbs to cut the power bills being incurred by the county.

For Buildings on riparian land, he undertook to Work with NEMA, WARMA, and other agencies. For the ones that have been constructed, he said he would follow due process to ensure they are removed. For locals with no title deeds, he vowed to work with National Government to FastTrack and educate those with allotment numbers to pay so that they can secure their lands from grabbings.

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