List of nominated MCAs in Machakos County

A month after the August 9 polls, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Gazetted MCAs nominated in various county Assemblies. Below is a list of nominated MCAs in Machakos County.

Marginalized Category

Dee Kivuva a strong Member of the Wiper party was nominated to represent Ethnic Minorities together with Farhiya Haji Abdi. Mutua Loyd has been nominated to represent the Minority ethnic community by Maendeleo chap chap. UDA party nominated Benjamin Rose Wavinya in the minority category as well.

Gender Top-up list

The Wiper party got 7 seats for gender top up, those who have been nominated include; Winfred Syonindi Mutua, Hellen Ndeti who has also been serving as nominated MCA, Irene Mbithe Mulu, Rosina Kanini Wambua, Catherine Kyee Wambua, Anastacia Nundu Mutevu and Catherine Mutio Muia.

Maendeleo Chap chap got 5 seats, Ndalana Margaret has been nominated again, Mercy Njagi, Pheobi Koki Mawa, Constance Mbula Nzioka and Caroline Ndinda Mutuku.


UDA party got 2 slots, which went to Ndilo Anna and Kituku Mary Nthenya. CCU Nominated one person Ruth Wanjiru Kamau and PTP of Mutua Katuku had one slot that has gone to Penninah Kanini Kisangai.

In total, Wiper will have the majority with 25 MCAs, Followed by Maendelo Chap Chap with 18 MCAs, UDA with 7 MCAs, PTP 3, CCU 2, GDDP 1, and 3 Independents.

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