List of businesses and properties owned by Ken Maria

Kennedy Ngunze known by his fans as ‘Ken wa Maria’ is among the richest Benga artists from Ukambani.

Although his two stints in politics failed, he is doing well musically and in terms of business.

In a series of interviews, Ken has never shied to disclose how much property he owns.

The singer rose from selling Mtumba to owning multimillion businesses and properties.

Apart from singing, he has several lucrative side hustles across the country and is estimated to be worth over Ksh.25 million as of 2018.

He has performed in Dubai, Zibambwe, London, South Africa, Sudan, Australia, USA  among many other countries.

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Here are some of the expensive things owned by the ‘Kyamanyanya’ hitmaker.

Fleet of cars

Ken was Maria has a fleet of cars ranging from Toyota Land cruiser, Range rover, Mercedes Benz to RAV4. The singer in a past interview disclosed that he bought his Range Rover in 2006.

The father of two says the vehicles help him move around while popularising his music.

The singer also owns a fleet of Matatu’s that ply the Ukambani routes.


Apart from his vast home in Matuu Yatta, he also has a beach house in the coastal city of Mombasa.

Music shop

Wa Maria has a music shop in Nairobi that is managed by his wife Angela. His band Yatta Orchestra has 12 members currently whereas 38 former members left to form splinter groups something the singer takes pride in. Also over 300 musicians have gone through his hands.

He also owns a garage in Umoja Estate.

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