List of 26 Chief Officers approved by Kitui County Assembly and swearing-in date

The County Assembly of Kitui on Tuesday (7th February 2023) approved all the 26 Chief Officers submitted to the Assembly by Kitui Governor Dr. Julius Malombe.

The 26 Chief Officers are;

1. John Makau Kimwele the nominee for Finance, Revenue Management, and Accounting appeared before the Committee on finance and economic planning.

2. Agnes Kawila Mulewa the nominee for Public Service and General Administration appeared before the Committee on administration and coordination of county affairs.

3. Evans Mutemi Mutua the nominee for Urban Development appeared before the Committee on Lands, Infrastructure, and Urban Development.

4. Gladys Mami Wambua the nominee for irrigation appeared before the Committee on Agriculture, Water, and Irrigation.

5. Francisca Kanza Kyui the nominee for Performance Contracting, Disaster, and Management appeared before the committee on Labor and Social Welfare.

6. Nelly Kavuu Mutisya the nominee for Agriculture and Fisheries appeared before the committee on Agriculture, Water, and Irrigation.

7. Jonathan Kyambi Nzau the nominee for Livestock Development and Apiculture appeared before the committee on Agriculture, Water, and Irrigation.

8. Benjamin Kithee Chamia nominee for the department of roads and public works appeared before the committee on Lands, Infrastructure, and Urban Development.

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9. Ferdinand Ndemah Kathenge the nominee for Tourism, Hospitality, and Game reserves appeared before the committee on Tourism and Natural Resources.

10. Stephen Kitonga Salee the nominee for Decentralized Units, SEKEB, and Inter-Governmental Relations appeared before the committee on Administration and Coordination of County affairs.

11. Michael Mutisya Kalii the nominee for Land and Housing also appeared before the Committee on Lands, Infrastructure, and Urban Development.

12. Lynn Kitwan the nominee for Public Health and Sanitation appeared before the committee on Health and Sanitation.

13. Stephen Makau Musili the nominee for Trade, Industry MSMEs, and County EIZs appeared before the committee on Trade, Industry, ICT, and Cooperatives.

14. Bretta Mwangangi the nominee for Culture, Gender and Social Services appeared before the committee on Culture, Youth, Sports, Gender and Social Services.

15. Pauline Kikele Mwalali the nominee for Basic Education, ECDE, and Child Care Facilities was vetted by the committee on Basic Education, Training, and Skills Development.

16. Dr. Musyoka Benson Wambua the nominee for Medical Services appearing before the committee on Health and Sanitation.

17. Paul Ngei Monyi the nominee for Cooperatives and Citizen Group Economic Empowerment initiative was vetted by the committee on Trade, Industry, ICT, and Cooperatives.

18. Nason Kang’alya Kilonzo the nominee for Youth, Sports, ICT, and Initiative was vetted by the committee on Culture, Youth, Sports, Gender, and Social Services.

19. David Soi nominee for Environment and Forestry was vetted by the committee on Environment, Energy and Mineral Investment.

20. Aggrey Kinyalili Kamba the nominee for Drugs and Medical Supplies appeared before the committee on Health and Sanitation.

21. Kennedy Mwendwa Ngumbau the nominee for Polytechnics, Vocational Centers, and Home Craft Centered was vetted by the committee on Basic Education, Training, and Skills Development.

22 . Henry Ngilu Nyamai the nominee for Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources appeared before the committee on Environment, Energy and Mineral Investment.

23. Patrick Masila Munuve the Chief Officer nominated to the Department of Economic Planning and Budgeting was vetted by the committee on Finance and Economic Planning.

24. Nathan Kasamba Vungo the Chief Officer nominee to the Department of Water was vetted by the Committee on Agriculture, Water, and Irrigation.

25. Peter Ketonya Musya the nominee for Transport and Boda Boda Sector was vetted by the committee on Lands, Infrastructure and Urban Development.

26. Kamunda John the nominee for Governor’s Service Delivery was vetted by the committee on Administration and Coordination of County Affairs.

The chief officers were vetted on the 30th and 31st of January 2023 by various sectoral committees of the County Assembly of Kitui.

The swearing-in for Chief officers and CECs will be on Wednesday 8th February 2023 at the Governor’s office from 9 am.

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