Kenyans express disappointment with Tourism CS nominee Peninah Malonza

Tourism, Wildlife, and Heritage CS nominee Peninah Malonza’s responses during vetting seemed not to impress a section of Kenyans.

Kenyans took to social media platforms to express discouragement with the nominee who hails from Kitui county.

“We all thought Aisha Jumwa Katana could’ve fumbled big time until Peninah Malonza happened. William Ruto should just replace this one with the roots party errand girl.” Sir Kimaru said.

“Peninah Malonza has struggled with facts during her vetting for Tourism CS. Frustrated vetting committee with irrelevant/unsatisfactory answers.

If approved, she will be in charge of one of Kenya’s main GDP contributors.” Ferdinand Omondi said.

“Aisha Jumwa was far much better. Although she has expression issues, she had ideas. Peninah is bare, blank, literally prompting Wetangula to guide her train of thought. Also, she punctuated every two words with ‘aaah’ hadi unachoka kumsikiza.” Murimi Mwihaki said.

“Peninah Malonza is answering her own questions, I think based on the coaching and the buzzwords she was told to use. Even Ichung’wa who was vetting the questions nominees are being asked has given up. Only Wetang’ula is doing that now, even telling her how to phrase her answers.” Clay Muganda added.

“Peninah Malonza seems to be struggling, too laid back, unprepared, and appears out of touch with the job at hand. She does not inspire confidence at all.” Ketera Kevin said.

During the vetting, Penina revealed her net worth amounts to 300 million consisting of 240 million of prime land in Mombasa, Kajiado, Kitui, and Nairobi. Shares in four SACCOs totaling 30 million; three vehicles worth 10 million and 20 million farm produce.

 Peninah Malonza is a trained Public Health Professional with a wide range of areas of study including professional counseling and anthropology. She has worked in various sectors ranging from the private sector, church affairs, and public service.

Missed our earlier story on Peninah Malonza’s journey? check it out below;

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